Guder Hoffend Architekten

Berlin,  Germany

Submitted experiences

Full Time Position
6 months – 1 year
Pros: 1. A pleasant work environment. 2. A very knowledgeable boss who is kind and patient enough to explain the ins and outs of German architectural technicalities. 3. Gave me the chance to improve my German while I was working in this office. 4. Provided me with a ton of support as I worked on the project and learned new software. Cons 1. More people are required to manage organizational tasks. 2. Less efficient due to poor communication within the team. 3. There were personally fewer opportunities in terms of learning new and innovative things as I was mostly dealing with refurbishment projects mostly including redrawing old plans or correcting previous drawings. Overall, it's a good office for a beginner to learn about German architectural practices, Leistungsplan, and building codes like DIN217, etc.

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